Thursday 5 April 2012

5 things coaching can do for you

At Seeds Coaching we are often asked the question "What can coaching do for me?". So we spent some time putting together 5 things coaching can provide for a client.

1) You begin to live authentically

Are you being true to yourself in every area of your life? Often we run on auto-pilot day to day without really thinking about who we are and what we need. Coaching can help you stop, look and listen - to yourself! Most people are amazed and surprised at what they discover. The road to authenticity can be a long one for some, but when you get there, the rewards are plentiful! Imagine waking each day knowing who you are really are and what you need. Imagine being able to deal with life's situations better. Imagaine every day being simply an appreciation of what you've always had but perhaps never realized. Imagaine the liberation pure honesty with yourself and others can bring you. Coaching helps this process.

2) Opens up endless possibilites

Coaching is a postive, non-judemental process. Through support of a good coach, you have someone in your corner who'll always be there for you, but dosen't offer you advice you don't want to hear. A coach is not a friend but a professional who's trained to listen to you in a way others rarely do. A good coaching relationship allows you to explore possibilities that before seemed outlandish. Its a fantastic experience to design your own relationship with your coach and be given the freedom to express yourself in any way you see fit. What other area of your life can you currently do that!? Coaching brings this freedom of expression into all areas of your life.

3) Provides a safe space for you to grow

Your coach provides a private, confidential and open space for you to be yourself, try new things, and, if you like, go wild! In session with your coach
you should feel able to laugh, cry, shout, scream, pray, be silent, be happy and be sad. In short, be who you want to be! This alone can be an incredible experience for a client and really provides a platform for take off!

4) Provide you with approaches and perspectives you've never considered before

In coaching we encourage clients to consider views that they've never thought of before. Sometimes these perspectives are fun, playful, outragous, painful, unfortable, rich and thought provoking. The main point is that all perspectives are considered and none are ruled out. By doing this, clients begin to tackle possibilities they may have once thought as totally out of their realm! As a result, their lives start to change for good. Powerful stuff, eh!?

5) It starts to give your life value

This is your life we are talking about, so why not invest in it!? You simply can't put a price on the changes coaching can bring to the committed client who embraces this process. And you'd be surprised how little coaching packages start from. Once you start the journey toward living by your core beliefs, values and life purpose in everything you do, the quality of life you experience will increase significantly. Coaching truly is powerful in that way. Try it for yourself!

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