Sunday 22 July 2012

How to be a Wantrepreneur!

1) First, remember there is no such thing as an overnight success. Anybody who's anybody have achieved great things through many steps, some backwards, some forwards. Most successful people make more forward steps than backward ones. The most successful people are the one's who learn from the knocks they take. Tenacity, determination, desire, passion and doggedness are key. Oh, and if you have some charm, that helps!

2) Its not all about actions. Before you do anything, think about this; Who are you? What do you want to be? What life would you like? What values do you hold dear? What's your legacy? These are deep, soul searching questions that will test your resolve. You only get one shot at life, better make it count! Before you decide what you are going to do, decide who you want to be. That way the actions, when you get around to them, don't seem so daunting. Hey, you might discover passion you never thought you had!

3) You have 100% control 100% of the time. People make excuses. Its human nature. Remember this; be the change you want to be. You'll be amazed that by taking control of your thinking, your actions and your responses to situations other people will start to dance to your tune. This is not to be confused with manipulation, this is pure inspiration! Call it a religion, but without a god.

4) Why do I want to be a Wantrepreneur? The answer is - you don't. However, a Wantrepreneur is someone who wants to be an Entrepreneur but has not yet started their journey or simply does not yet know how. Being a Wantrepreneur is the first step to building the life you want. And hey, this is not just about business. Its about YOU! We can all entrepreneurial in our lives, relationships, careers, families and friends. Its about being and doing in all aspects of your life.

4) Read, read, read and read some more. Reading is good for you. Its food for your brain and fire for your belly so take time to do it. Make it a habit to look for articles, books and journals that inspire you. Read about people who inspire you. What do they have in common? You might be surprised they were just like you one day.

5) Hire a coach. Not just any coach, but a coach who can help you with your specific niche. Coaches, or life coaches as they are commonly called, work with everyday people who have subscribed to human patterns of behavior that aren't serving their needs and values. I work with people who are budding Wantrepreneurs. They want change, they might not know what that change is yet, but they want it! We'll find it together and then we'll go get it. Its big, its bold and it can mean anything from wanting to change jobs, career, starting your own business or discovering who you want to be. Exciting stuff, eh!? You can contact me at

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