Tuesday 21 August 2012

This statement is false

Our lives are simply how we view them, or are they? This is an interesting question that most of us struggle with at some point in our lives. Perspective and paradox are two concepts that, with some insight, can help us get clarity on certain issues and situations in our daily lives.

Perspective has many definitions (ironically!). The one most pertinent to how we see our world is possibly this; the state of one's ideas, the facts known to one, etc., in having a meaningful interrelationship.

Any given situation can have many perspectives. If you dislike your current job because of your boss, what perspectives can that give you? The easy answer is simply "It's time to move on to a new job with a new boss". However, another perspective might be that your current boss has values that are not in line with yours, which is the real reason you dislike your job. It may even be the case that you begin to notice most people you work with have different values to you. Perhaps its not a new job, but a new career you are looking for! Sometimes looking deeper into ourselves gives us new insights of situations and can engineer a new direction to a more peaceful, content life.

Paradox is more complex. Life is full of contradictions and this can be confusing. Sometimes we see something that can defy logic and begin questioning ourselves and our world around us. We encounter paradox almost daily through our conversations with others. Children can be particularly receptive to paradox because of their inquisitive minds. They believe something to be true only to be told by an adult that something is not. Peoples opinions hold sway with us throughout life. How often have you asked somebody for 'advice' only to be told something you didn't want to hear because it conflicts with a truth you held?

A good coach shouldn't advise you or provide solutions. You have all the answers and by being curious about what is true and what is not, you'll eventually find them. A good coach will skillfully ask you questions that challenge some of your ideas, or at the very least, get you to explore them. In fact, the exploration of our own lives never ends. If we can embrace that concept and believe that solutions are not always necessary, then the game of life is that little bit easier.

Why not call us today and see how we can help you explore the paradoxes and perspectives in your own life? This game of life can be fun sometimes!

Call Seeds Coaching today to take advantage of a FREE life coaching session, either in-person or over the phone.

Click HERE for our website and contact details.

Matt Turner is a trained Co-Active Coach living and working in Vancouver, BC.

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