Sunday 29 September 2013

Beautiful Rain

"There is no such thing as bad weather. Only the wrong clothes." - Billy Connolly.

Every season has beauty within it.  All we have to do is open our eyes.

Autumn brings us technicolor browns, yellows and greens.  The smell of wet vegetation and a freshness in the air.

Winter is crisp, pure and raw. Fresh snow and neon lights.  The excitement of Christmas, burning fires and mulled wine.

Spring is the dawn of something new.  Optimistic and bright in so many ways.

Summer is like a warm blanket, with vitamin D aplenty.  The sizzle of a BBQ, the coolness of melting ice cubes.  

And then it happens all over again, without fail.  Each year we can find something new in every season.

What can you discover about the season today?

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