Wednesday 8 January 2014

Why do I need a life coach?

I'm often asked this question by people I meet.  The answer isn't straightforward.

If your life is going well, you feel in control and you couldn't really be happier, then the answer is you don't.

However, life sometimes isn't like that.  Human beings struggle regularly.  We struggle with finances, relationships, careers, families, children, emotions, our own internal thoughts and much, much more.  The list goes on!

The truth is that as human beings we aren't perfect.  We have strengths, we have weaknesses.  We have thoughts, we have beliefs.  We have habits, we have addictions.

So, how can a life coach help?

I work with professional women in Vancouver, BC and all around the world.  We have conversations that are different to everyday talk with our friends, families, co-worker and partners.

A life coach is trained to listen, really listen, to what you are both saying and what you are feeling.  A life coach is compassionate, understanding, supportive and creates a spaces where you can feel safe to express your true self in a confidential and liberating manner.

In addition, a good life coach will ask powerful, thought provoking questions at the right time.  This is a highly underrated skill, but what it does is transform people.  A life coach doesn't give advice, but allows a client to make their own discoveries by challenging them, their thinking and holding them accountable to their actions.

In truth, coaching is a highly skillful job that requires energy, intelligence, compassion and guts.

You might seek support through coaching for career advice, relationship counselling or help running your own business.  Many people find the relationship with their coach dynamic, exciting, different and empowering.

At the end of the day, we all need help and support.  The trick is to know that and accept it.  When somebody is ready to commit to change, then this sacred work called coaching can happen.

However, change is rarely overnight and can make you face your fears and vulnerabilities.  Be prepared to invest time into this process.  However, should you make the leap into hiring a coach, it could be the best thing you ever do!

Ultimately, you only get once shot at life.  Why not make it count?

I offer a free, no obligation life coaching session in order for you to see how it can change your life.

Contact me today, or forward this as a gift to a friend.  What really have you got to lose?


Seeds Coaching
Vancouver, BC.

Matt Turner is a life coach of creative, professional women in Vancouver, BC.  He is trained by The Coaches Training Institute and is an experience relationship counsellor.   He specialises working with women in career transition, relationship support for women and helps women run their own business.

Life coaching, career coaching or relationship coaching can happen effectively face to face, or over the phone. And technology allows coaching to happen over Skype at zero cost!

Make that call today!  Contact Matt for a free, no obligation coaching session and see how you can change your job, change your career and change your life!

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