Wednesday 29 May 2013

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is life coaching?

Life coaching is one-on-one process where a trained professional helps people achieve their life goals.  This involves the coach skillfully helping people make discoveries around what's holding them back, overcoming fears and making them accountable to action.  A good coach doesn't judge people and creates a space where they feel safe.

Coaching asks powerful and thought provoking questions.  These questions challenge people into finding new perspectives on issues they face.  The awareness a client experiences are trans-formative and allow people to move forward much more quickly in their lives.

Q: How does life coaching work?

Clients usually see a coach in person or speak over the telephone.  This may be for reasons of personal preference or geography.  Either method is equally effective.  The coach will begin with some questions around 'discovery'.  They will try to ascertain who the client is, what type of personality they bring to the coaching, how they prefer to be coached and what the story of their life up to this point is.  Some coaches ask clients to fill out a questionnaire before their first appointment to capture some of this information.  

After discovering what the clients' values, beliefs, fears and issues may be, the coach will work on what the client wants to achieve, what their goals are and what's in the way of these goals happening.  Over time, the coach will work with the client on whatever is happening at that time, continually focusing on the work initially carried out in discovery and tackling new topics and issues that may arise.  The coach aims to dig deep, evoke transformation and hold the client accountable for their actions whilst maintaining trust, safety and encouragement.

Usually the coaching appointments are every week or every two weeks.

Q: Is life coaching like therapy?

Yes and no.  The process of relationship is similar.  Coaches have a confidential, trustworthy and compassionate relationship with their clients, much in the same way therapists do.  Coaching differs in the sense that it assumes the client to be naturally creative, resourceful and whole.  Coaching focuses on the present and future goals and actions, whereas therapy can be more centered around trauma, the past and healing old wounds.

Q: Who can benefit from life coaching?

Anybody who is stuck in an area of their life and feel trapped.  If you need help seeing new perspectives or motivating into new areas of your life, then a coach can help.  Much in the same way a sports coach get's the best from their players, a life coach aims to get their clients performing to the maximum of their abilities and 'trains' them into new, better and more fulfilling habits.

Q: Who do you coach?

Most coaches specialize in working with certain clients, based on their expertise, experience and preference.  I like to work with the following niche of clientele:

Small Business Coaching for Women 

Mid-life Career Change Coaching for Professional Women 

Relationship Coaching for Women in Mid-Life 

Social Entrepreneur Coaching for Creative Women 

Life Coaching for Female Artists

Q: How much does it cost?

There isn't a standard cost for life coaching and each coach charges based on their training, area of expertise and needs of their clients   For instance, an executive coach working with corporate teams may charge a lot more than a coach who specializes in working with single parents.

Some coaches have a sliding scale of pricing and most coaches are prepared to be flexible with the right clients when it comes to fees.

Q: How long does life coaching take to be effective?

Sometimes transformation can take place in the first session.  Sometimes it takes days, weeks or months.  It depends on the size and scale of change the client wants and personal obstacles in the way.  Mostly it depends on how committed the client is.  If a coach is committed to the process and relationship, but the client isn't, then progress may be non-existent.

Usually, most coaches recommend a minimum of 3 to 6 months of coaching in order to establish the relationship, get motivated and get momentum.

Matt Turner is a life coach specializing in helping women in mid-life with careers and relationships   He is based in Vancouver, BC and coaches clients all around the world.  Visit Seeds Coaching for details.

Book a complimentary life coaching session, either in person or over the phone.  Contact Seeds Coaching today!

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