Tuesday 21 May 2013

Why do I need a life coach?

There are two questions I am often asked.  The first is; what made you become a life coach?  The second is: what does a life coach do?

In truth, I'd never considered becoming a life coach.  I didn't know what one is, or does.  If I'm being brutally honest, I'd scoffed at the idea when it was first suggested as possible career by my partner (who's a psychotherapist).   I, like many people, saw life coaching as 'faddish' or 'flaky'.  It was something that I viewed with skepticism, and, dare I say it, some disdain.

So what changed for me?  Well, the encouragement of my partner for a start.  She kept telling me life coaching was something she felt I would excel at.  Its funny, but when we receive praise or recognition, we go to a place of disbelief and try to find reasons to disagree!  I did just that.  I told myself that she was crazy,  that there is no way I could do this job I had no regard for.  Little did I know, but I'd been a coach all my life.  I just needed to see it and appreciate it.

Embarking on intensive coach training was a really scary thing for me.  It involved opening myself up, talking about things I'd hidden for years.  It involved sharing and caring, things I enjoyed doing, but not making a song and dance about.  The thing is, coaching makes you appreciate who you are and what you are capable of.  It makes you sing from the rooftops about the good things in life, and be comfortable with things that cause us pain.  My training took me on a journey that was nothing short of incredible!

So, what does a life coach do? Now I have seen many clients and experienced the process over and over, I can safely say that a life coach is many wonderful things.  First and foremost, they are an advocate for everything you do.  They support every decision you make and never judge you.  They create a private and confidential space where you feel comfortable talking about ANYTHING.  They champion your achievements, celebrate your success and comfort you when things are hard.  They challenge you to think a different way.  They ask you questions you'd never heard before, and certainly never considered!  They make you accountable for your life in a way nobody else could. That's because they are your coach, not a friend.  The relationship is a professional one steeped in personal connection. That's what makes life coaching special!

Today I am a huge advocate of life coaching and the trans-formative benefits it brings to peoples lives. Everybody can benefit from having a life coach at some point in their lives.  I've seen it with my own eyes in the clients I coach every week.

I suppose the best judge of the power a life coach can bring into our lives are the clients themselves.  Below is a recent letter I received from a client.  Reproduced here with their permission, it sums up what I am in this profession for, namely fulfillment, deep meaning, rich satisfaction, empowerment and human connection.  It also answers the question; why do I need a life coach?

"How do you describe appreciation?  How do you genuinely praise interpersonal gratitude. Thank You! When it comes to someones kind words, a hug, actually listening, mindful presence and understanding; there are no words to describe the feeling of receiving that from another person.  

 I'm still working on giving and receiving positive affirmations for myself and others, but I wouldn't even be close to that if it weren't for Matt Turner. I have been sharing my story with him for about the same amount of time it takes to have a baby. A bit of a cliche perhaps but the process Matt has helped me through is similar to recreating myself from my childhood to the present. 

 It had been a challenging and yes at times difficult journey.  I honestly believe I wouldn't be more than"functioning" if it weren't for Matt and his coaching abilities.  Matt is knowledgeable and passionate about his craft. He has insight, talent and skill into how to tap into your innermost  thoughts, feelings and "triggers" by actively listening and responding in a manner that evokes trust, compassion and understanding.
Matt has a great sense of humor with his British accent and slang. He is such a personable individual you feel like you could tell him your life story and trust him with it. Oh yes, I guess I already have. No regrets. He's amazing! Just the fact that he is willing to be a supportive guide to help me navigate through all my built up "crap" he deserves a medal.  Yet, he can be brutally honest when I am being stubborn or resistant to change in an effort to kick-start some progress. Somehow, through it all, that still feels OK, because he does it in such a unique manner that you know he means well and has your best interest at heart, he genuinely cares and it shows; actually it oozes out of him. 

I was wary about getting into any type of counselling which is why it took me so many years. That fear subsided the day I met Matt and even though some sessions are intensely emotional, Matt effectively meets the challenge, providing a safe environment for enabling that release and sharing.  

If I had known someone like Matt back in my teen years I would have been so much different in the self confidence department.  But Hey, then I wouldn't be who I am today.  No regrets, just a renewed sense of self and a new lease on life and that is primarily due to my work with Matt Turner.  He is authentic, genuine, "the real deal" and I just want to rub his shiny bald head like a good luck charm; cause hes good at what he does, he's charming and I feel so lucky to have met him. 

Thanks for being you, Matt."

Matt Turner is a life coach specializing in helping women in mid-life with careers and relationships   He is based in Vancouver, BC and coaches clients all around the world.  Visit Seeds Coaching for details.

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