Friday 17 May 2013

5 ways to quickly boost your confidence

They say confidence is everything.  If you could bottle confidence it would be worth a fortune!  However, the problem with confidence is that it's not constant.  It shifts, it flows, it dips and it rises.  Its like a river heading to the ocean, sometimes the waters are choppy, sometimes they are smooth and calm.

So how can you keep your confidence levels high?  How can you keep your confidence flow more consistent?  Here's five confidence boosting tricks to change your life for the better:

1. Check in with your confidence regularly.

One problem with confidence is that we don't pay attention to it.  Today, when every hour passes, ask yourself this; how confident am I right now?  Grade it on a scale of 1 -10.  Write this score down with a short explanation as to why you feel this way.  The first step to tackling confidence issues is being aware of your 'confidence flow'.  You can try this exercise for one day, one week or one month.  Take a look at your results.  What do they tell you?

2. Stop and appreciate.

Modern life is busy.  However, take time to stop at least once a day and appreciate what you have and who you are. What makes you special?  What talents do you have?  Why are you loved?  What are you grateful for?  Just by appreciating what we have, as opposed to what we want, can be a great confidence booster!

3. Ten years ago to the day

Look back at your life 10 years ago to the day.  What does it look like?  Where were you?  Who were you with? What car did you drive?  Where did you live?  What job did you do?  What income did you earn?  What was different about your life?  Seeing where you are now in life, compared to where you were can give you a clarity you might have missed.  Although possessions you own are nice, turn the focus of your attention to more intangible things like happiness, spirituality, wisdom and personal achievements.  These are ultimately more fulfilling and you'll be surprised what you have done in a decade!

4. Converse with people close to you

Simply send an email to 10 people you trust and love with the question; what can you count on me to be for you? We rarely ask others deep and meaningful questions.  To give people close to us the permission and space to express themselves, in a way they usually don't is incredibly empowering, for you and them.  When you get replies to your email, what surprises you?  What's great about their response?  What can you celebrate?

5. Dream and imagine

These are two qualities we frequently indulge in as children, yet as adults we neglect our inner child.  Take time out each day to fantasize about all the good things in life you have, want and desire.  Have fun with your ideal life!  Think about what's possible for you and how you might make some steps toward it.  Be adventurous with your dreams and imagination - let yourself go wild once in a while!  Do something that breaks out of your routine or comfort zone each week.

Matt Turner is a life coach specializing in helping women in mid-life with careers and relationships   He is based in Vancouver, BC and coaches clients all around the world.  Visit Seeds Coaching for details.

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